Monday, 8 July 2013

Make better use of your time

It's time to make room for the things that you LOVE doing! I love to dance and I love spending time with my girlfriends but honestly I often find work and "life" creeping into control of my time. So for this blog I have decided to pin to the board three ways in which we can all make time for the things we love. Life is far too short to be spent doing anything else!  

One day you will look back and be 10 years older than you are now wondering what you did with all that time. So without further ado... 


First, cut out the things you don't enjoy. Why sit and watch football with your boyfriend when you could be doing taking a salsa class, going for a jog or seeing friends? 

Second, try waking up just a little earlier every day to make a window for doing something you enjoy. Maybe yoga or meeting a friend for breakfast? 

Third, a bit of planning goes a long way. Try to organise a time to do the things you love and make it a part of your schedule. (Think champagne Thursdays with the girls or Sunday pre-breakfast power walks!)

I hope this blog has helped you to rethink your schedules and if you have any questions, feel free to message me :) Have a great day! x

Thursday, 20 June 2013

How to deal with Birthday Blues

It's my birthday today! I went to bed with a silly pang of fear about age but in fact I have loved my first day of being 26. Once I let go of my worries, I began to have a happy and memorable day.  I arrived at work to find a delivery of the most beautiful bouquet of flowers. Then there was cake, cards and bubbles quicker then I could say "impromptu office party". I'm dizzy from all the sugar and super excited about the two weeks of celebrations ahead! 

So what have I learned?

Never worry about getting old. Embrace it. Be happy within yourself. I realised today it is important not to link happiness to age as much as it is important not to link it to beauty or material things. I always want to laugh from my heart and be free of worries about age, beauty, money or expectations. Our thoughts control our feelings and actions and ultimately shape our lives. So as soon as a worry about age or expectations creeps into my mind, I stop and think about everything I am grateful for, take a deep breath and just let the worries go. Simple. Happy. Thoughts. Have a wonderful day. Ruby x

Monday, 17 June 2013


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It's Monday! I love Mondays and I always have. Honestly! (You think I'm crazy right?) The way I see it is that we are refreshed and re-energised from the weekend. Focus on the positive! We have a wonderful week of opportunities ahead of us and we will come out on the other side of the week one step closer to our goals.  And why not enjoy the journey there too.   
It is important to link your studies or work to YOUR GOALS in life.  I will be blogging about the importance of goals later in the week.  Why are you on that course or working in that job?  Remind yourself of why you made those choices.  Your work should not be a burden, but a constant opportunity.  I grow my skills everyday at work and when I leave the office, I take those skills with me.  
Every week is an opportunity to refocus yourself on becoming the best version of you. A better teacher, a better student, a better artist, a better mother or whatever you may be. Personally, when I master something, I enjoy it. That is never easy but always worth it. Have a wonderful week. Ruby x

Sunday, 16 June 2013

Fail to prepare, prepare to fail.

It's Sunday night and I am certainly not dreading Monday. I am enjoying planning my meals and activities for the week ahead so that I am energised and really get the most out of this week.  You will find snippets of my mood and energy boosting meals here throughout the week. It still shocks me that good food changes my skin, sight, health, mood, energy and therefore my relationships. The list goes on! I recommend that you spend 30 minutes doing the same and then go have some fun! Whatever you do, stay away from that time and energy sapping device (also referred to as a TV)!

Ruby x